SONG REVIEW: Bailey Evert - "Riots In My Head"

It’s not everyday that I hear a new song that I instantly emotionally connect to with lyrics that hit home in such a raw and accurate way. But that’s what Bailey Evert did with his newest single, “Riots In My Head”. The amount of emotion I felt while listening to this song really spoke volumes to me. I can’t think of one person who hasn’t dealt with the internal struggle of blaming or being too hard to oneself in difficult situations and if you happen to be one of those people struggling with such a problem then I feel this song will speak volumes to you as well.

From the start of the song you’re met with a beautiful soft acoustic instrumental melody that puts you straight in your feels. You're then greeted with his powerful vocals that take the listener on an emotional journey with lyrics that are so easy to relate to that it’s impossible to not instantly be hooked. It’s captivating, it's raw, it's beautiful and it’s honestly a great song that I would recommend any day of the week. The chorus lines “Maybe I’m my own worst enemy, I’m so tired, where is my sympathy, in all the things you never said, starting riots in my head” really spoke volumes to me and expressed what I couldn’t express myself in words. 

Bailey Evert is a singer/songwriter based out of the  west suburbs of  Chicago, Illinois. Formed in 2020, He hit the ground running in the scene with influences ranging from indie rock to alternative. His songs have a very positive message that shines light on problems such as mental illness and other struggles we all may face and how he has gotten over them. “Bailey Evert” has been known to be in and out of the studio quite often so this gives us hope for more amazing things to be released in the future. 

To summarize Bailey Evert’s new single, Riots In My Head is a go out and listen to it now type of song. This song truly puts you in your feelings and I feel helps express how we feel with words we couldn’t figure out how to say.