SONG REVIEW: Book Club - "Call It A Good Time"

Book Club’s newest single is full of raw emotion and a punk spirit with, “Call It A Good Time”

by Jesse Smith

New Jersey, America’s armpit, but also for some reason a musical hub for incredible musicians and bands that go on to define genres and break walls. Everyone knows the boss Bruce Spingsteen, Bon Jovi, and Frank Sinatra but there are some legends who broke into the mainstream and brought underground music to new heights. Bands like The Misfits, My Chemical Romance, and Man Overboard. Man Overboard specifically is a massive influence on pop punk and even more of an influence in the NJ music scene. If you remember the “Defend Pop Punk” craze…. That was them. Well vocalist Zachary Ross has a new project called “Book Club”. Book Club just released their debut EP called “Read All About It” and for those who are in love with Man Overboard you will surely be into this. In the 6 song EP, the band has a music video highlighting the song we’re talking about today which is called “Call It A Good Time”

“Call It A Good Time”is full of raw emotion with a punk spirit, but the overall vibe is exactly what the title says.. A good time! Beginning to end, this song is fun to listen to. The dynamic of both Zach and Dennis Wood doing vocals sound so good because they have such different tonality in their voices, it reminds me of early Mayday Parade. The recording is pretty raw with not a lot of post production which is where I get the punk vibe along with some of the more driving and edgy drum sections. The major highlight and high point of the song is without a doubt the chorus. I’ve said it before in other reviews, there is a certain power in simplicity when it comes to hooks and this one hits that nail square on the head. But also let's face it, “Missing my home feels a lot like this” Still fits the pop punk vibe, but has come a long way since we were all trying to escape our hometowns. I guess this is maturing and growing. 

This song is also accompanied with a sick music video that I suggest everyone go check out, and overall this song and even this EP is pretty sick! If you’re a fan of Man Overboard and Transit you will like this without a shadow of a doubt. To me, This song feels a little more mature than the cookie cutter pop punk that we’ve all loved for years. This is a great example of the scene changing and staying the same at the same time, which I think is poetically beautiful. This is this projects first release and it’s obviously a slam dunk. I'm curious to see how far this band will go, or if it’s going to remain just a side project for the majority of the members. Either way, prepare to sing along and to have a good time doing it.   

Listen to “Read All About It” Here