SONG REVIEW: College Radio - "I'm Sorry"

“Fresh New Face with a nostalgic sound”

by Jesse Smith

Hailing from rainy Seattle, comes pop-punk act College Radio. The band is a tasteful blend of 90’s pop punk and modern indie influences. While keeping the punk rock spirit alive, College Radio has been very active traveling up and down the east coast in true DIY fashion. releasing music since 2018, the band has consistently been growing and releasing music ever since. That consistency mixed with being on the road has really made the band evolve and come into their own identity. As the band grows we come to the next album release titled “Nothing Ever Changes It Only Gets Worse” accompanied with the single we’re talking about today titled “I’m Sorry”.

I’m Sorry is a fun track to listen to and is easy to get lost in the music. Resembling older and some would argue the best era of Weezer, the punk rock face first element is still there in spirit while not being super fast or complicated. As soon as I heard the opening verse I knew I was going to love this track. Basically starting off saying I’m sorry to the people I pissed off throughout the day because I’m having a bad day is one of the biggest moods I’ve heard laid out in a song. I immediately felt those statements in my soul. Stylistically also resembling older Green Day and Blink 182, keeping the non-serious mood but being totally serious. It almost feels like thoughts that were in a personal journal was put to music. The raw aspect of the track from song structure to lyric content is something so nostalgic and loveable. 

With the nostalgia of When We Were Young fest and the Blink 182 comeback, College Radio is the perfect new band that fits the bill. As they keep releasing music, the more they are finding their identity. With the single “I’m Sorry” it is the perfect jam music to zone out to. If you’re back on the older punk/pop kick like I am, College Radio is a fresh new face with an old but unique sound.