SONG REVIEW: Lyndhurst - "Messy"

“Get ready to Groove with this Lyndhurst Hit!” 

by Jesse Smith

I don’t know man, there is just something about places that get cold that breeds really good emo pop punk. To clarify, there are subgenres within genres for all the gatekeepers out there, for example the sunshine upbeat pop punk and the emotional sad boy pop punk are totally different vibes but both under the pop punk category. Perfect, now that we’re on the same page, a modern emo/pop punk band from York, PA have been making huge waves in a small amount of time, and they are called Lyndhurst. This quartet first popped on the local scene in 2021 and immediately got accepted by the local PA scene. So much so that this band ended up winning Song of the Year for their debut single. But that’s not the song we’re here for today, oh no, we’re here for their sophomore single “Messy” that has been gaining a shit ton of traction on spotify and rightfully so, this song bangs!

“Messy” starts the vibe off immediately with the isolated vocals of “I’m a fucking joke to you” and if that isn’t the most emo thing you have ever heard starting a song i don’t know what more you want. The guitars that follow are peak Tiktok gold, reminding me of 24kGoldn’s song “mood” but more pop punk. The fact that it takes 45 seconds for the full band to kick in makes it all worth it because it kicks in pretty hard for the first chorus. What really impressed me was the vibe switch from verse 1 to verse 2, let me explain. Verse 1 and even the chorus sound like a pop song, being super catchy and pretty bare while verse 2 has a more sang and drawn out and soothing tone. This also apparently features from the band, LOWBORN! This really shows how both bands meshed their skills and adaptability into this song. The songs production is also top tier, really sounding professional and just as good as the top acts touring the world right now. In my opinion, that is tipping the scale in their favor that these songs not only are written at an S tier level, but they sound amazing. The band really knows how to structure the song because towards the end it comes to a super high energetic gang chorus that gives the song the ending that makes the listener want to hear more. 

The fact that this is literally their second release ever and they JUST came out their first album shows the longevity this band has. With impeccable song writing and talented musicians to play it the sky's the limit for this PA band. Lyndhurst in time could be up there with bands like Real Friends and I stand by that. If they keep the momentum going into this album cycle and take risks I believe the rewards will be great. I’m excited to see where this band goes from here, because it’s only just starting.