There has to be something in the water over in Australia because every band that comes out of that place automatically incredible. A good example is the brand new band Forever On High. The high energy pop punk outfit has released their anticipated debut song “Smoking Gun” which pulls influences from bands like Blink 182 and The Story So Far. We were able to catch up with them and have them answer a few questions about who they are! 

What’s up guys! Thanks for sitting down and taking the time to answer some questions for us! For the people who are finding you for the first time, who are you and where are you from! 

Justin: Thank you for having us! We are Forever On High and we’re a brand new band from Brisbane, Australia the land down under.

You guys are a brand new band! How did you guys find each other? And how did you decide to start a band?

Kevin: We have all known each other for quite awhile with some of us already being good friends. Most of us have been in bands with each other years ago and we have all been in the scene. The idea for this band came about because I was hanging out with Justin at Good Things, a Pop-Punk/Metal festival, and we started to talk about doing a new project and really focusing on the style of music that we want to play.

What was the inspiration for your band name “Forever On High”? Who in the band came up with the name?

Will: I sent the boys a bunch of names and that was the one that we liked the most that worked. It’s a tribute to living life at 100% and always having a good time which really represents our band.

Your debut single “Smoking Gun” is awesome! It has a lot of old school pop punk influences to it which I love. Who or what were your main influences when writing this song? 

Kevin: With our music for this band we really wanted to focus on going back to our roots and play music that we like rather than taking the Pop/Top 40 mainstream route. Like most of us in this scene, we grew up listening and jamming to Pop-Punk music such as Green Day, Blink 182, All Time Low, Fall Out Boy and all the classic bangers. I think a lot of these influences certainly shine through in our music whether it be the punchy drums, loud guitars or catchy melodies.

How does it feel to finally release this song to the world? I’m sure from writing to recording to getting all the marketing assets took a long time of planning and prep. 

Josh: It's finally here! We're thrilled to release this song to the world. It's been a fun journey from the initial spark of inspiration to the finished product, but we couldn't be more excited to share it with everyone. We hope it brings them as much joy as it brought us to create it.

I know you have just released this song, but do you have other releases on the horizon? What is the next step for Forever On High?

Justin: We’ve got a few other songs in the works which we plan to release, but for now we just want to get ourselves out there and show everyone what we’re all about. Getting started is such an exciting part about being a band, it lays the foundation for which direction we want to head with our music. We’re also looking forward to playing shows soon and meeting lots of awesome people along the way.

Now for some fun questions! What band is the dream band to open a tour for?

Will: It has and always will be All Time Low! We have always drawn inspiration from them as a fun, energetic band who put on a killer live show and it would be awesome to support them one day.

If you could collaborate with any artist, alive or dead, who would it be?

Josh: Blink 182 was such a huge part of our childhood, and we're beyond excited to see them touring together again with Tom. It feels like everything has come full circle. Being able to sit down with them and see what we could create would be a dream come true!

Which band member is the member that is always late? Which band member is always on time

Justin: Well a lot of the work we do is at Kevin’s studio so I guess he’s always on time. It’s kind of funny, Will lives with Kevin and has been late on a few occasions. But most of the time it’s a race through traffic between myself and Josh to see who gets there first

Thank you guys again for answering those questions for us! Is there anything you’d like to plug?

Will: We’re dropping another single in a few months, then another one a few months after that… then another one… and then another one a few months after that. Follow us on Spotify and Instagram for updates!

Smoking Gun” is available on all streaming platforms as well as a video on youtube that I suggest you check out! Yet another great new pop punk band that has a modern vibe with a nostalgic twist. I can speak for all of us here at GKE that we’re very excited to see what the band has next!