BAND INTERVIEW: Right Here Right Now

Interview by Jesse Smith

Right Here Right Now is a brand new band to the scene and are hitting the ground running. Coming from Florida, the band has released their debut single “Home Is Where The Heart Is” that is oozing with Post Hardcore goodness. As a new band, we wanted to figure out who they are! We loved the song so we were stoked to have them answer a few questions for us! 

What’s up guys! Thanks for sitting down and answering a few questions for us! First off, For those hearing for the first time, who are you and where are you from?

What’s up! Thank you for having us. We are Right Here Right Now and we are based out of Jacksonville, Florida. 

You guys are a brand new band, Fresh on the scene. How did you guys form? Are you all from the same area?

Brand spankin’ new! Our band came together because we all have the shared goal to make music that is beautiful, emotional, and heavy. This common desire seemingly put us in each other’s lives at the right time. When opportunity puts the right people in your life, you answer with a resounding yes and make it happen Right Here Right Now! 

You just released your first single “Home Is Where The Heart Is”! How does it feel to finally put this song out?

It feels absolutely amazing. We have all been working so hard to put this song together and share with the world. The experience of putting your passion out there is extremely rewarding. There’s nothing else quite like it. 

Who would you say the band’s biggest inspiration is? 

Musically, you’re going to get myriad answers out of each band member. We sure are an eclectic group of musicians and are inspired by many artists. 

Honestly though, I think that our biggest inspiration  is derived from the passion and support we gain from leaning into each other as a group. When one of us falters, we know we have each other’s backs. We inspire each other and each and every day because this is a family that we have chosen. We inspire each other to be better musicians and better people all around. 

What was the recording process like for this single? Did you guys get together and jam or did you do it remotely?

We recorded our own instruments in house and then sent those tracks to Stan Martell, who is a phenomenal sound engineer. Drake then tracked vocals with Stan in person and then he gave us a superb mix. 

What is/was the hardest part about forming a band from the ground up in 2023?

The hardest part of forming a brand new band from the ground up is having to figure out every. single. detail. It can be overwhelming creating every aspect of a band from scratch. But, starting from the ground up is really a blessing because we can create a fresh, new sound with an image that reflects us as we are now. 

Ok now for some fun questions! Who is the band is “Band Dad” and who is the trouble maker?

“Band Dad” is Drake for sure. He works hard to contribute to the creative process as well coordinate band management. The trouble maker… that depends on the night! We can all get a little wild from time to time. All artists are a bit unhinged right?… right? 😅

If you could open up for any 2 bands, who would they be?

Silverstein and Alesana, for sure. This list could go on and on though! 

What is the best late night bite?! Where would you go after a show?

We love our local Wendy’s! They never get the order right so it’s just a game of Russian Roulette 🙄

But for after show grub we definitely have to hit up Waffle House. The All Star Special is where it’s at. 

Thank you guys again for taking the time! Do you have anything you’d like to plug? 

Of course! Thank you for having us. We will leave you with sharing our mantra. 

Right Here Right Now is a Post Hardcore Movement that emphasizes action, passion, and community. 

“How long will you wait for the perfect moment? The Right place is Here. The Right time is Now.”

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Zackary Meegan