SONG REVIEW: I See Aura - "Breaking Out"

I love today's rock/metal scene. These bands are coming up with the most unique sounds and doing whatever it takes to make it sound new and refreshing. The band, I See Aura is definitely one of those bands that are making their own unique sound and I’m fully on board with what they are doing. I see aura recently released a single entitled, Breaking Out and I truly feel this single is gonna give the band their big break. 

Within the first second of Breaking Out, you are met with post production mixed with drums and guitar. This intro really hyped me up. I felt like the song was going to hit very hard from this intro and let me tell you I was right. After their intro your hit with a face melting instrumental. What really stood out to me was that the bass tone in the song was as dirty as you could possibly make it and just added so much to the vibe of the song. After that great instrumental the vocals come in and tie it all together. The harsh vocals and complex instrumentals really just kept me excited to see what they could possibly do next in this song. And to my surprise  when we are met with the chorus we’re hit with clean vocals And I truly wasn’t expecting cleans in this song but it was a really nice touch. As the rest of the song goes on, you are met with great guitar work, more spot on vocals and a kick ass break down. 

I See Aura is a 3 piece progressive metal band hailing out of Ontario, Canada. The band combines the aggressive sounds of djent with a more modern style of alternative Melodie’s to create their unique sound. They have been hitting their scene hard and being known for their great stage presence. The band has 6 singles out and I highly recommend checking them all out. 

To summarize, I See Aura released one hell of a great single. Breaking out gives you that heaviness you crave but also hits you with that catchy sing-along as loud as you can chorus. I highly recommend adding breaking out to your daily playlist. 

Zackary Meegan